// Implement Policy and Agreement | Azars' Music School
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Azars' Music School Policy and Agreement


1. Tuition fee is paid on monthly basis and lesson fees are due on the 1st day of each month or 48-hours before the students' scheduled lessons, whichever comes first.

2. Payments can be made by monthly pre-authorized Visa/ Master credit card or by debit or credit card at the front desk.

3. There are no refunds on unused or cancelled lessons.

4. In order to maintain fairness and transparency in our fee structure, we have differentiated rates for previous and new students.If you pause lessons and return, you'll be billed at the new student rate.

Lessons Cancelation Policy

  1. There will be no refunds or credits for cancellation of lessons. However, rescheduling of lessons is permitted where a 48-hour notice is given in advance. The notice includes leaving messages on phone, E-mail to [email protected], or text message to (778) 919-2927.


  • No rescheduling will be permitted for cancellations with less than 48-hour notice. In such instances, the lesson will be charged as if it were conducted. Make-up lessons must be arranged with your teacher and taken within a month.

  • Where students must be absent due to illness and 24-hour advance notice is not possible, lessons may be rescheduled. Lessons will be made up at the teacher’s discretion. However, if this occurs too often and the teacher feels that this privilege is being abused, Azars’ Music School reserves the right to charge the normal rate for all missed lessons.

2. No shows or failure to notify the school/teacher within 48 hours is considered a forfeited lesson.

3. No more than 1 rescheduling with 48-hour notice per month.


4. If you know of dates ahead of time where you/your child cannot make a lesson, please notify the school when booking/paying for your lessons.        


5. If you decide to stop taking lessons, please give Azars’ Music School a written 30-days notice in advance.

Make-up Lessons

1. Lessons cancelled at least 48 hours ahead of the scheduled lesson will receive a make-up lesson at a time convenient to both the teacher and the student. This makeup lesson will not be skipped over or added to the next month.

2. Typically, make-up lessons take place at an alternate time/day within the week. In some cases, the make-up lesson will be added after/before the original lesson time, enabling the student to have an hour lesson (depend on the lesson time).

3. Make-up lessons not used after 4 weeks will be considered forfeited.

4. A make-up lesson should be booked directly with Azars’ Music school administration.

5. Azars' Music School reserves the right to substitute the teacher for the make-up lessons without notice.

When your teacher cancels

In most cases, when your teacher cannot be here, we will find a suitable substitute teacher and the lesson will continue as regularly scheduled. If your teacher cancels a lesson and we are unable to find a substitute teacher, we will reschedule the lesson and find a time convenient to both the teacher and the student. In case of cancellation we will let you know in 48 hours and in case of illness or emergency 24 hours in advance.


Exceptions will be made with respect to STAT holidays, New Year, and Christmas Holidays. Those weeks will be rescheduled by the request of the student or the teacher.

Pictures and 
Video Recording

I, hereby grant permission for the photography, filming, videotaping, audio recording, or any other method of capturing my image, my child's image, or voice, and/or quoting me/my child in various media formats or printed materials (including social media platforms, website), and hereby authorize release of such to Azars' Music School.

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